Are You A Salami Mommy Or A Beef Chief?

Are You A Salami Mommy Or A Beef Chief?

In this world there are only two types of people: Salami Mommies and Beef Chiefs. Your race, gender, and sexuality have nothing to do with one’s inner mommy or chief, you simply know one way or the other. However, we can be wrong from time to time and that’s why you’ve got to think about this for yourselves, email us your answer and wait until we let you know whether you’re right or wrong. So what is it, are you a Salami Mommy or a Beef Chief?

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Shawn Thornton: An Artist With Pineal Cancer

Shawn Thornton: An Artist With Pineal Cancer

During his time at art school, Shawn Thornton unknowingly developed cancer of the pineal gland. Curiously, as his condition progressed his art transformed into ever more complex and finely polished scenes that many find reminiscent to DMT experiences, often alluding to the mythology, symbolism, or biology surrounding the pineal gland. Here we take a quick look at his fascinating story and art.

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Codex Seraphinianus

In the late 70s italian architect, illustrator and industrial designer Luigi Serafini made a book, an encyclopedia of unknown, parallel world. It’s about 360-380 pages. It is written in an unknown language, using an unknown alphabet. It took him 30 month to complete that masterpiece that many might call “the strangest book on earth”. Codex Seraphinianus is divided to 11 chapters and two parts - first one is about nature and the second one is about people.


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