The Dream Of The ‘90s Is Alive At The End Of The World

The Dream Of The ‘90s Is Alive At The End Of The World

Wherever you look today - the news, Twitter, or even out your window - it’s clear that we’re slipping into a kind of dystopian apocalypse. But which kind? Will we be living in the gasoline starved and leather chap Burning Man but worse dystopia of the Mad Max series? Or is this going to be a Walking Dead thing where we’re all just sort of wandering around in the clothes we used to wear to work until we get really into farming and samurai swords? Hopefully none of that comes to pass. Instead of fending off zombies and militaristic hoarders with barbed wire wrapped baseball bats I suggest that we take a trip back to the early 1990s.

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Five Obscure Taco Bell Items That Need To Come Back

Five Obscure Taco Bell Items That Need To Come Back

Taco Bell, the purveyors of fourth meal, feeders of stoners, teens, and stoned teens everywhere have no shortage of sodium-pumped delicacies waiting to be covered in Hot or Fire Sauce (or Mild, if you’re one of those people), before being shoved down your gullet. From time to time Taco Bell rolls out a new treat that’s so wonderful, so enticing that it’s too good for this world. Sometimes they’re local oddities, in other cases they’re national experiments that come and go in the span of a summer. Taco Bell may be the greatest fast food restaurant in the universe, but they’ll never win our undying love until they bring back these obscure menu items.

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