Rock In Peace - 10 Bands Definitely Breaking Up in 2015

Rock In Peace - 10 Bands Definitely Breaking Up in 2015

2015 has begun, and as Kill Pretty’s resident music know it all/sass machine, I think it’s important that we cleanse ourselves of the negative vibes of 2014 as we prepare for the even worse vibes coming in 2015. We can all admit that last year was mostly terrible. Save for a few personal highlights (a couple of friends got married and I ate the world’s largest hot dog), 2014 was full of terrible news. The police murdered people in the streets, we were tricked into caring about a Seth Rogen film, and an entire airplane disappeared. Worst of all, we were inundated with some truly awful music. If you read my last column, you’ll know that I liked a few songs last year but that's about it.

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My Year End Lists - Jacob's Favorite Music from 2014

My Year End Lists - Jacob's Favorite Music from 2014

Once again we’ve come to the end of the year and we’re being inundated with lists; Best Ofs, Least Essentials, Worsts (my personal favorite), and Most Underateds. When you start to stack up the amount of content that’s been released over a year it can be intimidating. If the amount of albums released this year were physically collected and stacked atop one another, one could live as a comfortable hermit within their confines until the next year’s crop of content were added to the shack.


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