Some Of My Favorite Squibs

Some Of My Favorite Squibs

Did you know that when someone is shot (with a gun no less) in a major motion picture that their skin isn’t actually being pierced by a bullet? And more often than not that the blood spraying, spurting, and splattering out of the actor’s internal organs is often not even real blood? I’ve known this Hollywood secret for years (I definitely did not just learn about this looking at Wikipedia on my phone instead of going to sleep), and now I’d like to share some of my favorite squib shots with you, my adoring public.

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Kill Pretty Reviews: VHS

Kill Pretty Reviews: VHS

The home video market fucked up when they began producing DVDs. What do I want an animated menu for? Director or (even worse) cast commentary? Drop that shit in a bucket of radioactive waste. No one cares what happened at craft services on the day you filmed the climactic fight scene between Mickey Rourke and a tiger.

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The Dream Of The ‘90s Is Alive At The End Of The World

The Dream Of The ‘90s Is Alive At The End Of The World

Wherever you look today - the news, Twitter, or even out your window - it’s clear that we’re slipping into a kind of dystopian apocalypse. But which kind? Will we be living in the gasoline starved and leather chap Burning Man but worse dystopia of the Mad Max series? Or is this going to be a Walking Dead thing where we’re all just sort of wandering around in the clothes we used to wear to work until we get really into farming and samurai swords? Hopefully none of that comes to pass. Instead of fending off zombies and militaristic hoarders with barbed wire wrapped baseball bats I suggest that we take a trip back to the early 1990s.

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Give It To Me: Five Ernest Movies I’d Like To See Right Now

Give It To Me: Five Ernest Movies I’d Like To See Right Now

If you’re like me, meaning a person who grew up in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s (which statistically you’ve got to be somewhere in that big ass ball park) then you spent an inordinate amount of time watching movies featuring one Mr. Ernest P. Worrell. You watched as he was “scared stupid” and as he was incarcerated for crimes which he didn’t commit. His film work faded out as children grew callous and tired of this man-child’s adventures, but I feel that it’s time Ernest make a come back and these are the flicks I’d like to watch in the theater, at home on my VCR, and through the windows of my most beautiful neighbors.

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Director Lee Kronin Told Us What’s In The Hole In The Ground

Director Lee Kronin Told Us What’s In The Hole In The Ground

From the moment that The Hole in the Ground premiered at Sundance in 2019 audiences have been dying to know just what’s in that hole in the ground. I caught up with Irish director Lee Kronin and asked him point blank, “What’s in the hole in the ground.” His answers might shock you.

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SAASH (Semi Above Average Super Heroes)

SAASH (Semi Above Average Super Heroes)

I love movies.

But everything is too epic now.  People love comic book movies that have characters with crazy super powers that conquer evil in the end with some abnormal ability.  I want more movies like Mystery Men.  There’s no middle ground.  Either you’re super powerful and have to use your strength combined with others to defeat the enemy or you’re some joe schmo that has to find his inner strength.

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Thoughts on Re-Animator, Lovecraft, and Teenage Obsession

Thoughts on Re-Animator, Lovecraft, and Teenage Obsession

As a latchkey kid coming of age in an incredibly unstable household in the early 90s I gravitated toward the spooky, the strange, and the macabre. Lunch time discussion with my twisted chums rarely ascended above who had seen the goriest film or read the creepiest story over the weekend. Andrew Guthrie, all red hair and freckles, tended to lord over the conversation with spot on retellings of Hellraiser 2 and Stephen King’s “Tommy Knockers.” Soon, 6th grade turned to 7th and Andrew moved away, leaving me with a hole of horror to fill.



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